Chris McElligott Park
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This is an incredibly old set of my art! This chronicles 1998 to 2008 for me. This is back when I used to work in raytraced offline 3D programs, and rendering a single frame usually took 5 minutes to 36 hours.

I now work in realtime raster 3D, so I get on average between 1/60th to 1/100th of one second to make something a lot prettier not only display, but also be interactive. Shaders, once so mysterious to me, are now things I routinely code.

I've never been all that superb of a modeler, but I enjoy 3D painting, scene composition, and more recently have gotten into motion capture and animation. I'm also a big fan of working with the post-processing stack, as well as using custom shaders to break out of the shackles of current-gen PBR and toy with heightened-reality lighting.

You can see a lot of my work on Arcen's Youtube channel, including the occasional instructional video.

  Austin (Photoshop)

Website Design and Content Copyright 2007-2022 Chris McElligott Park. Photography Copyright 2020 Merritt Chesson.